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Not Your Traditional
Employee Assistance Program

Employees can access 360° support anytime, anywhere.
Plus, everything stays anonymous!

#1 Reason for prioritising employee well-being is to improve productivity

When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated in their work. A focus on well-being leads to reduced stress, increased job satisfaction, and better mental and physical health, all of which contribute to higher productivity.

Our program covers a wide range of areas

We support employees at every step of their life journey

Life Coaching

Relationship Coaching

Intimacy Coaching

Money Coaching

Coming soon!

Fertility Coaching

Coming soon!

Talking to KAIA™ before connecting with a 'human' coach

Hi, my name is KAIA™, Kossie Coach's AI assistant.

I am designed to help you express your thoughts out of your brain. Talking to me can be less intimidating compared to talking to a human therapist.

I promise that you will feel more comfortable opening up and expressing yourself freely, knowing that your conversations are confidential and non-judgmental.

Finding the best fit for fulfilling employee’s needs

Employees love the anonymity offered by Kossie

I struggled with challenging tasks and hesitated to share my feelings with a psychiatrist. However, enrolling in this EAP allowed me to express myself through text anytime I want. The anonymity provided by Kossie made me more comfortable as the coach remained unaware of my identity, and my employer remained oblivious to my personal struggles. Now, I feel hopeful about any situation I face.

Michelle, 50

Want to enhance company morale?